Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Instinctual Misses

This has happened to me about a thousand times in the past couple of weeks, but I am only now beginning to realise it. I will be holding my daughter and thinking about her weeing, then I will feel as if she has wet herself, I feel her nappy becoming wet against me. Then I hesitate and doubt and begin to realise that she hasn't wee'd and I usually ask her about it, and say something like "did you do a wee?" and she looks up at me blankly and I realise she hasn't, but then she does one.

Up until today I have been dismissing these moments as murphy's law misses, but I am beginning to understand that my instincts have been growing stronger as we continue with our EC journey. It's no coincidence that I imagine her eliminating right before she does.

I am rather in awe of this latest discovery. When we decided to practice elimination communication I knew it would be great for fostering her instincts, I was skeptical about it having any impact on my own. Now I know better. I just have to start listening and trusting those instincts and offering her the tub even if I am just imagining her eliminating.

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