Thursday, May 1, 2008


The second most important part of the ECing process is relaxing (the first is communication, it's all in the name :D). I've noticed that our baby can't wee or poo unless she is relaxed. This is why quite often she wees during a feed, or cries if we offer her the potty straight after she's woken up if she hasn't eaten yet.

Tonight we knew that she needed to wee but as her Dad held her over the catching bowl she wouldn't wee. We waited patiently and spoke softly to her about needing to wee, occasionally we made her cue sound "ssss". Eventually she did an enormous burp and then the wee came shooting out. She was obviously waiting until the discomfort of wind passed before letting her lower body relax into doing a wee. Having observed that I feel that I know her a little better than I did before.

I think the element of relaxation (no doubt coupled with communication) makes EC such a gentle parenting choice. My daughter is on a very different, and much more pleasant, journey toward toileting independence than my own.

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