Saturday, April 26, 2008

15 Months & Already Toilet "Trained"

We were visited today by two mummy friends and their baby girls. One baby girl was born just two weeks before ours, with the same doula as our baby and in the same birth pool as our baby! The other bub is quite older: 15 months.

Our 15 month old friend and her Mummy have been ECing since birth. She spends her days nappy free, and lets her Mum know when she needs to use the toilet. She is pretty much toilet trained already!

She got very excited whenever I caught one of our baby's wees. She would smile and talk in her toddler language about what we were doing, clearly identifying it as something that she has in common with our little baby. It was very cute.

She was also fascinated by our baby's ECing bowl. She'd wander over to us when we assumed the EC position and she'd bend over to take a closer look at the catch LOL And then she'd excitedly chat again in her toddler language.

We missed a couple of wees and a poo in the morning, but once we got up and started the day we were on the one nappy until after 11pm!

Another happy ECin' day for all involved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i have got to stop reading your journals, you're making me baby crazy and it is definitely not time to have a baby yet. lol!

congrats on the EC progress mama and dada (and harri)! you guys look like you're doing awesome.